Alfery Interviewed by Virginia's Daily News Record
Posted on August 10 2020

Virginia's Daily News Record interviewed Christine Alfery for her expertise and perspective as many many art exhibitions go virtual during the Pandemic.
The impact of virtual exhibitions is a topic the artist has explored before:
At the beginning of March, Alfery began a series of writings about change - and then everything changed.If you would like to learn more about what the artist has been doing during the Pandemic and her perspective on how it has impacted the art world, please visit the links below:
Blog: I was blogging about change when everything in the world suddenly changed aka Preface- Change
The artist has always embraced change, sought change, resisted stasis.
And while the Pandemic has brought challenges no one ever imagined, the artist has sought to find new ways to thrive in the "new normal".
Practicing social distancing has meant spending a lot more time in the quiet of the Northwoods, and as a result Christine's creativity has thrived. New ideas, new materials, new series have poured out like paint on her canvas. After a lifetime of creating, the maturity of this artist, combined with the focus of time spent seeking change has brought forth new ideas, new writings, new paintings, new series - brought forth the change the artist continuously seeks.
If you would like to learn more about what the artist has been doing during the Pandemic and her perspective on how it has impacted the art world, please visit the links below: