"The Dam" Wins Merit Award
Posted on August 10 2020

Christine Alfery's "Building A Dam, Changing the Natural Flow" aka "The Dam" was recently recognized by the Manito Art League. The judge who granted the Merit Award said:
"Full of expression from the artist’s rich inner world, this painting, about entrapment and the freedom that comes from escaping, vibrates with rhythm and action. Thin black lines punctuated with dots, and white dots creating spiral lines that seem to extend like stars into a dark blue sky seem almost musical in their proclamation of independence. Indeed, Alfery creates enough visual space for all to feel a sense of liberation in this work."
The words of the judge seem to reflect an understanding of the the artist, who often seeks to embody freedom and movement in her works.
The artist had this to say about "The Dam":
"It is my hope that my values can be seen throughout my artwork. The current new series of work I call “Creative Contraptions” deals with the notions of force and freedom. Entrapment and escape. “The Dam” is an excellent example of that. It is my hope that this work exemplifies my sense of life.
The artist often writes about the challenges of visually portraying an abstract concept. Conceptual art can be a challenge for both the artist and the viewer. The comments of the judge granting this award exemplify the magic that can result when the artist and the viewer find each other in a work.