The Creative Moment
Posted on March 14 2022

Featured image: The History of A Tree -Old Growth
How do you personally get into the creative moment to create a work of art? Do you hope that it will just happen? Do you get inspired by what is going on around, politically, historically or spiritually? Do you have to put on music? Do you like to sit quietly and gather your thoughts about a certain something, idea or a concept, and work from there?
For me, I treasure my history. It is part of my memories and experiences, therefore it influences my creative thinking just because it is there. It helps to determine what I am going to create, conceive. It is from my history, not another's that makes me/myself/my soul unique and one-of-a-kind.
I know there is no way that I can create something from a blank slate. But, I also know that I want my creative ideas for my soul, my spirit, myself and my artwork to be free from another's ideologically, politically - charged thinking. If I am trapped in another's political thought, I tell myself to think about the “other” side and to think about what I have called the space in the middle where difference is acceptable.