March 11, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on March 10 2022

Is Your Life a Work of Art?
Featured image: Roller Coaster
Is your life a work of art? Is it unique? Is your life one of a kind – like no others?
Have you ever thought of yourself as a work of art? Many artists and philosophers have stated that they think that life and art should be linked.
“A person who is truly cool is a work of art. And remember, original works of art cost exponentially higher than imitations. Just take a look at the coolest people in history. They will always be a part of history for being extremely original individuals, not imitations.” ― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem
“Life is a work of art. If you don’t like what you see, paint over it. Lori McNee
“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” Thoreau
To list a few. A statement from a French philosopher Michael Foucault always has been one of my favorites because it is all about finding yourself and who you are, it is not about creating your life to be an object that others can possess......
“What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is related only to objects and not to individuals, or to life. ... But couldn't everyone's life become a work of art?”
Why not have your life be a work of art where you are the artist, the one who conceives, gives birth to ideas and sensations that you experience and bring them to life, giving them life. Art is about the ebb and flow of the journeys of life, your journey – your unique journey. Life and art are like a river: River's flow, they are deep, they bend and twist, they meander. River's change. Life and art should be like rivers, full of change, and meandering, twists and turns, deep and shallow. Full of change.
The history of art confirms that art changes. It is unable to be defined, is created, imagined, conceived. Life, ourselves and our independence, are not things that are given to us. Instead we create, conceive them. If you allow another to create you, then you will never become the work of art you were supposed to be.
Pink Diamonds
Featured image: Pink Diamonds
The other day when I was sitting in silence with my coffee and watched the sun slowly peek over the roof of the garage, I noticed something sparkling. My coffee chair is surrounded by mounds of snow. But I can see over it and watch all the critters come to the feeders, so that is good.
Anyway, on top of the mound of snow were small tiny sparkles like diamonds. The higher the sun got, the more diamonds appeared.
When I am asked what inspires me – this sort of wonderful aesthetic experience inspires me.
Buying Art
Featured image: The Wall
What are the reasons you stop in your tracks and look at a work of art?
What are the reasons you buy art?
Are they the same?
For me the reason that I stop, look and study a work of art are many and are the same.
- It is a wow piece that draws me into the content, and I find myself saying, What a wonderful way to express that concept or idea!" When I say that to myself, I know that the artist's hand, their individual unique hand, is present in the work.
- It is to study how the artist solved a particular problem. a recent example are the outlines I discovered on many of the paintings I observed at the Milwaukee Art Museum. Click HERE to read "Coloring In The Lines"
- How did the artist apply paint to get that effect?
Do you ever run out of ideas?
Featured image: Falling Down - Climbing Up
I don’t, I never seem to run out of ideas. And I never worry about changing my mind. After all I am only human, and I don’t claim to be perfect, to be right all the time or for that matter, some of time. I think understanding, and respect is more important than being right.