September 9, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on September 09 2022

Pittsburgh Watercolor Society
I am honored to announce that I have been added as a Signature Member of the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society.
Since my work has been accepted in three out of the last five years of the Aqueous Open International Exhibition sponsored by the Pittsburgh Watercolor Society, it qualifies me for Signature Member status.
Recently the works, Gypsy and Green Apples Wire Basket were chosen for the 2022 International Exhibition. In the 2021 International Exhibition, the work Inspiration was accepted and also received a merit award in the exhibition. In the 2020 International Exhibition the works, Engineered Landscape and Pineapple were accepted.
As The Wind Blows Receives Award
I am pleased to announce that my work, "As The Wind Blows," received 4th place in the in the Red Bluff Art Gallery's Abstract Expressions 2022 exhibition. This work was also been accepted into The National Juried Exhibition at Nicolet College in Rhinelander Wisconsin, the West Texas Watercolor Societies Annual Exhibition.
Precious Jewels

Life is full of
discover them
treasure them
share them with others
store them for stormy tomorrows
adorn yourself with them
allow them to make
life's precious
you are all of these
wear them all when you
wonder in the
fine line of

Featured image: White Feather
Patrolling the dawn
Astonishing soft whispers
Sparkling blue blue skies

Featured image: Sky Earth River
One should see to create “not the thing but the effect it produces.” Stephane Mallarme.
Open to silent private
Reflection my heart is filled
Earth is so dear
Christine Alfery
Nurture That Which Is Nature

Science, shouting, “I am the truth!”
The truth? Isn’t nature the real reality? And science, is it plastic?
Plastic, since nothing we think, see, do analyze or measure, and believe in should be mistaken for the actual reality of the natural.
Science is but a measure. It is a measure of how clever we are if we create truth and how fallible we are if we don’t create truth.
Most of the time, we filter out so much of that which is naturally real in order to create a scientific truth. We lose track of what is natural and is actually there.
We cannot record everything-ness of reality which is the yes, yes, yes’s of all we sense and feel. We can only engage in nature's reality, to sense it and see it and notice what happens next.
And we need an opposite meaning for balance.
Science and nature balance for what we understand and know as truth.
New Works:
The Strings We Attach To Things
The Strings We Attach To Things II