Blog: Paths We Walk
Posted on December 12 2021

Featured image: Telling the Story
In life our journeys will frequently be very difficult and challenging. It takes a lot of grit and courage to travel down these difficult paths. Others before us have faced these challenges and we can learn from their choices and make our own choices as we journey through life. We find somewhere within ourselves that spirit that others before have found. Sometimes our spirit is hard to find and we are totally stopped and don’t know if we can go on – to continue. That is when our spirit rises and shows its beautiful self and allows you to live your unique self.
Mother Teresa knew about the spirit within; “you must live life beautifully and not allow the spirit of the world that makes gods out of power, riches and pleasure make you forget that you have been created for greater things.”
As an artist these challenges happen all the time such as when I approach with fear a blank sheet of paper and know what I want to paint but also know that the paint and the paper don’t always listen to me. It happens when I have been working on a piece for weeks and weeks and absolutely nothing seems right about the work. I just can’t seem to find the works wonder and uniqueness that will allow others to also feel the challenge that causes their spirit to rise within them.
Painting a unique work is one of the wonderful benefits of being an artist. I live and travel these paths daily and I always put one foot forward in front of the other, or put one color on top of another, layer after layer of paint, searching, discovering, exploring, until ……. There it is, the unique spirit of the work. It is then that I can say that it is finished and share it with you all. I sincerely hope you feel the spirit there.
On another note – the sun is shining and is glorious this morning – such a joy.