December 10, 2021 Weekly Musings
Posted on December 09 2021

Sacred Places
Featured image: Sacred Place - Cairn
I have learned that there is a very mysterious feeling that can come over me when I sit quietly – anywhere – but especially when I sit quietly along the shores of Lake Superior. The feeling that comes to me is very natural. It is one that comes from observing with awe the beauty of natural things. This feeling gives me a sense of the vastness of time and open space. I become keenly aware of every sound and all the living things surrounding me. I am here in the world where my mind can be quiet. This place and all of the places that are natural and where I can sit quietly and say I am here, make me a part of this 'yes, yes, yes.'
I search for sacred places everywhere that I go. I can take a deep breath in these places that fills my entire self. I get the same feeling when I sit quietly in my backyard and watch the birds and squirrels come to the feeder. I watch how the smaller birds come in as a group, the larger birds come in pairs and the squirrels scare all things away. I watch how squirrels bury nuts in the lawn and wonder if they will ever recover those nuts again. But, most of all when I sit and watch I realize just how very very small I really am in the whole scheme of things. I think of things even smaller than the smallest of birds and survival. Survival like the squirrels burying nuts for the future. I think about the seeds I have planted throughout my life and still – still – these seeds are but a drop in the bucket.
I always come to the same conclusion when I sit quietly like this – how very very blessed I am to be alive and a part of it.
Tiny Yellow Glimmer Of Hope
Tiny tiny crack in the
Delicate, vulnerable
Tough, defiant
A tiny yellow flower
Rises even with
Change II
Featured image: Change II
Pine needles, colored leaves
A vast ocean across the heavens
Falling, falling
Snow is falling
Love Makes The World Go Round
Featured image: Love Makes the World Go Round
I have this snow globe on my desk that my daughter gave me one Christmas. She knows I love these things, especially ones that have some sentimentality associated with it. This snow globe had the word mother along the base with lots of hearts floating around it. On the top of the snow globe is another wonderful heart. Inside the globe was a field of heart flowers and a little girl with wire-y hair holding a bouquet of heart flowers. When I wind up the music box it plays, “Love Makes The World Go Round.” Every time I wind up that snow globe tears come to my eyes and my heart melts in the memory of that Christmas morning and this very thoughtful gift.
Love makes the world go round,
Love makes the world go round
Somebody soon will love you
If no one loves you now
High in some silent sky
Love sings a silver song
Making the Earth whirl softly
Love makes the world go round
High in some silent sky
Love sings a silver song
Making the Earth whirl softly
Love makes the world go round
Making the Earth whirl softly
Love makes the world go round.
Song: Love Makes the World Go Round- Everly Brothers
Why Fight It
Featured image: Squirrel
The other day when I was in Ace Hardware buying bird seed, I saw that the man checking out ahead of me was buying a large bag of peanuts in the shell. After battling with the squirrels now for several years trying to keep them out of my bird feeders, and for that matter the larger birds like the jays and doves and crows, I asked myself, "Why in the world would this man want to feed the squirrels?"
I couldn’t get that large bag of shelled peanuts out of my mind. Perhaps, this man was onto something I hadn’t thought about. Why not just give in and feed the larger birds and squirrels? Why not give it a try? The next time that I was in Ace I was the one checking out a large bag of shelled peanuts.
I have always emptied my left-over seeds from the bird feeders on the ground in the woods for the ground critters.But, yesterday I put a rather large amount of shelled peanuts on the ground. I also resurrected the platform bird feeder made out of bleached poplar trees by an Ojibiwa person that I purchased in the handicraft store when on the reservation. I filled it with shelled peanuts.
This morning I watched all of the larger birds. The ones that ground feed and platform feed seemed to be in seventh heaven as they waited in line to get their shelled nut. They didn’t go near the smaller bird feeders. I watched as the smaller birds also came back and delighted in not being bothered by a jay who was protecting his territory. And to my amusement, I watched the squirrels scamper up the platform feeder, grab a nut, scamper down and run into the woods and bury - yes bury - one of those shelled nuts. The instinct for survival was alive in these squirrels. No wonder they are so pesty trying to get at our feeders. But, taking the nut and burying it – I have never seen a squirrel find one of their buried nuts once 3 feet of snow covers the frozen ground.
But what a delight! I could think of the larger birds differently now – they were no longer bothering the smaller birds like the finches, chickadees, and nuthatches. Each had their own space and all seemed happy in wonderland. This all happened because I changed my thinking. Sometimes we fight change. But, sometimes we just need to go with the flow.
Sacred Places
Featured image: Sacred Place - Cairn
I have learned that there is a very mysterious feeling that can come over me when I sit quietly – anywhere – but especially when I sit quietly along the shores of Lake Superior. The feeling that comes to me is very natural. It is one that comes from observing with awe the beauty of natural things. This feeling gives me a sense of the vastness of time and open space. I become keenly aware of every sound and all the living things surrounding me. I am here in the world where my mind can be quiet. This place and all of the places that are natural and where I can sit quietly and say I am here, make me a part of this 'yes, yes, yes.'
I search for sacred places everywhere that I go. I can take a deep breath in these places that fills my entire self. I get the same feeling when I sit quietly in my backyard and watch the birds and squirrels come to the feeder. I watch how the smaller birds come in as a group, the larger birds come in pairs and the squirrels scare all things away. I watch how squirrels bury nuts in the lawn and wonder if they will ever recover those nuts again. But, most of all when I sit and watch I realize just how very very small I really am in the whole scheme of things. I think of things even smaller than the smallest of birds and survival. Survival like the squirrels burying nuts for the future. I think about the seeds I have planted throughout my life and still – still – these seeds are but a drop in the bucket.
I always come to the same conclusion when I sit quietly like this – how very very blessed I am to be alive and a part of it.