October 14, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on October 14 2022

La De Da Accepted Into Exhibition
On behalf of the Neville Public Museum and Jan Mirenda Smith we are excited to let you know that "La De Da" was ACCEPTED into the 77th Art Annual Juried Exhibition! We appreciate you taking the time to share your art with us and are excited for the upcoming show.
Jan wrote the following in reflection on selecting art for the exhibition: "...the exhibition represents a rich survey of current creative efforts in this part of Wisconsin, and it indeed provides a story of the area through these boundless creative directions. I am humbled for the honor to see this incredible output of creativity...."

My Soul

Featured image: Rainbow Windows
my soul repairs
prisms of
floating wishes
my soul a tree
my soul hums
my soul lost in
Your Light


Featured image: Cairns
Somewhere Out There

Featured image: Space The Last Frontier

Featured image: Crane III
“What’s that? Did you see them?” I asked my passengers as I was driving on a 55mph road as we went by way too quickly?
We were driving through a marshland where there was a low dip in the horizon of yellow green grasses and tamarack pines. It is always so beautiful because it is so different from the rest of the Northwoods landscape. In the fall, the tamarack pines turn a wonderful bright yellow, as do the tall grasses.
“What was that?” I exclaimed again. I added, “We just drove past 3 whooping cranes way too quickly, a mother and her 2 young ones. What is she doing so close to the edge of the road? Not a safe place for babies.” My thought immediately was, “I hope you guys make it.”
Whooping cranes are so elegant in flight. Their wings spread widely with very little flapping, just a simple motion, then a long glide. According to my research the young do not naturally learn to migrate south when the weather turns in the north. Some have tried to tough out the harsh winters of the Northwoods. Many don’t make it which is why they are on the endangered species list.
I wanted to return and put a protective cage around them so they would make it. Isn’t that typical of humans, to put the natural in a cage to save it. What they are really doing when they cage something is killing its natural instincts and changing them.
Will humans learn? Obviously not because there are so few of them now. Such a statement, but honestly so true. There is no letting them learn naturally. Which is better for them to cage them and change their natural instincts or to let nature to run its course?
What a good analogy for the human species in general. If we cage them, how do they ever learn? Just how much should we interfere with the natural course of things? How much should we remove from life to protect it? And, in the end we do just the opposite.
New Growth

Featured image: New Beginnings Orchid Shoots
New Beginnings
There can be no new
Growth if we do not remain
open and vulnerable to
what is new Different
and fresh the excite
ment of the unknown
Ride The Wagon

It is easy to latch onto social causes and make them what you think they should be. It is easy to recreate these social causes in your visual work which you call art. It is much harder to find the aesthetics in a day. It is much harder to recreate these.
Aesthetics. There is a difference. Aesthetics are very much what art used to be. Aesthetics are what we are losing in the arts and also in ourselves. It is much easier to latch onto another’s cause and ride the wagon with them.

Featured image: Travelers
Synergistic Middle

My space in the middle is synergistic. It is the synergy of things and unique individual people coming together without the loss of individualism to create something great.

Featured image: Direction
Rhythm of Light

Featured image: Kaleidoscope of Raw Reality: We are so small - Northern Lights
Your Map

Featured image: Gatekeepers
Are you using the right map to set the course for your visions? Your dreams?
Our visions cloud reality. There are very few if any maps with clouded realities. Our visions allow us to see and think about something differently. They allow us to think differently than we have been conditioned, through our histories, how we live, to see and think. Our visions allow us to create new maps to follow.
So what is the right map for a vision? Is there one? Or do you have to create/imagine a new map?
If you create a new map, share it with others. Examine it with others. Talk about it with others and perhaps change your map and create a different one.
New Works

Poetry, Haiku's, Limericks, and Musings
Empty Spaces

Featured image: Engineered Spaces
Are there any empty
spaces, vacant spaces neutral
spaces. Indifferent spaces,
blank spaces? A kind
of space void of energy?
No, no, there are not.

Be Present

Early Morning Silence

Featured image: Sunrise In The Morning At The Lake

Featured image: Balance
… life is a tension of opposites
Absence Presence

Times of Transition and Change
Pine Needles In My Coffee

Featured image: Leaves