Christine Alfery
Which Way
Also known as How Do You Build A Bridge and Never Never Land and Finding Our Way
Featured image in blog, Wondering
Featured image in blog, Fear
Featured image in blog, Fluidity And God
Featured image in blog, Conceptual Abstractions
Featured image in blog, What do Sylvestor Stallone and Roberta Mabel Biden have in common?
- “Never Never Land” was accepted into the SALI National Abstract Art Exhibition in the Garfield Park Art Center in Indianapolis, IN.
A statement from the artist:
This work is like the never never land in the story Peter Pan. It is a metaphor for my search for adventure, and play. Like Peter Pan I am a dreamer and my studio is always filled with pixie dust and the imaginary where I can fly to places I have never never been to before. Juror Mindy Taylor Ross saw something she liked in “Finding Never Never Land” she chose it for inclusion in the Indianapolis Art Center’s 2016 Art From the Heartland Exhibition.