May 28, 2021 Weekly Musings
Posted on May 27 2021

“Figuring It Out” Receives Outstanding Abstract/Non-Representational Award
Posted May 24, 2021
“Figuring It Out” was awarded the Outstanding Abstract/Non-Representational award at the 37th Illinois National Watercolor Exhibition by Exhibition Judge Elaine Daily-Birnbaum. The judge is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society, the National Watercolor Society, and numerous additional watercolor societies. Christine is a Signature member of the Illinois Watercolor Society and 13 other National Watercolor Societies. It was an honor to receive this award by such a distinguished judge.
Three Things
Posted May 24, 2021
Featured image: Red and Pink Roses in a Jar
I ask only three things from art:
- That it be original and not from another intellectual property.
- That I have a relationship with the media and the concept that I'm thinking about when I begin. I allow myself to be inventive, independent, creative and to have lots of courage to do something different, something new.
- That I can trade my work fairly, meaning that there is another that finds value in my work. We are two souls who recognize the values in the work and what it takes to be creative or to think creatively. I, my art, and the person trading with me has been subsidized by no other, has been and will never be governed by another.
If art does these 3 things then it embodies the concept of freedom and individual sovereignty that is filled with self-governance and self-reliance.
Violets For My Mom
Posted May 25, 2021
Featured image: Violets for Mom
I have violets in my flower garden. I didn't plant them. They just appeared as they are wild violets. Such a gentle little flower with such vibrant color. When I was about 8 or 9 years old, we lived in the country and I can remember taking forever – well it seemed like forever – picking a bunch of these precious little flowers. I picked enough to fill my little hand and brought them home to give them to my mother. She was always delighted. She would put them in a glass jar with water and set them in a special spot in the window. Not only did the flowers bring me delight, but they also brought delight to my mom.
As I look at these flowers in my garden and think of those treasured memories, I feel so blessed to have the memory and those flowers in my garden.
Gift giving is challenging and emotional. We like receiving gifts that show that someone else thought about us and knows us. Violets. Today I gave myself a gift, I recreated that memory in a painting. Art should always be thought of in that way. For the artist it is a gift to herself. For the lover of the arts it is also a gift to herself. It is a fair trade, loving trade. It illustrates my 3rd point in what I expect of art.
The other day I posted a blog titled “Three Things.” In the blog I listed three things that I want to receive from art. The third thing is very important to me. It read: “That I can trade my work fairly. By that I mean that there is another that finds value in my work. We are two souls who recognize the values in the work and what it takes to be creative or to think creatively. I, my art, and the person trading with me has been subsidized by no other, has been and will never be governed by another. “
“Violets For My Mom” exemplifies this third thing. And if there is someone who treasures the work like I treasure it, then she will put it in her home and cherish the extended memories that we have created together.
Red Dress- Portrait of My Soul
Posted May 26, 2021
Featured image: Red Dress
If the artists self/soul is starved, then the artist will find it impossible to call up any kind of deep and joyous song. The soul/self needs to be found and developed. It needs to be fed. Your soul/self is a very unique independent personal thing. It exists, but not through another, only through exploration of your own personal values and needs. If an artist does not take the time to do this, then their soul/self will be starved and their work will be starved.
Red Dress is about me and my soul. Red is my favorite color. So I painted a figure in a red dress. I cant tell you how many people told me stories about a red dress that they used to wear and the memories that it had for them. I was so glad to see that the work became real, authentic, and joyous like my soul and the spirits of so many others. I was so glad that my painting not only fed my soul but the souls of others. It was a bonus for me and for them. Thats how it is supposed to work.
Posted May 27, 2021
It's chilly this morning. The sky is grey. No greeting from the morning sun. Hummers buzzing overhead. I am beginning to recognize some of them by their coloring which is always a delight. It’s like having your children visit and calling them by name.
I had another visitor this morning. There are several foxes in our woods. There, too, I am beginning to recognize their differences by their fur coloring. One of them has red fur with black stockings and a white tip at the end of its tail. Another is sort of splotchy coloring and very different from the one that has mixed black, red, golden and white fur. Today I found out this latter one is a "she" as it had a tiny baby pup trying to keep up with her. As I watched, not wanting them to leave but seeing they were going to anyway, I noticed the baby took 4 steps to the mama’s one. What an absolute delight this morning – I am still smiling. Still smiling.
New Works:
Violets For My Mom, 15x15
Cherry Blossoms, 12x12
Clusters, 12x12
Carnival, 28x28
Six Pears, 20x60