Christine Alfery

Rainbows In My Studio

Rainbows in My Studio, 20 x 60
Original watermedia on paper 

Also known as Studio Rainbows

Featured image in blog, I saw the rainbows and I danced with them


  • “Rainbows In My Studio” was juried into the Midwest Seasons Exhibition at the Center For The Visual Arts in Wausau by judge Kitty Kingston.  2018

Artists Statement:

I sit in my studio chair with a cup of coffee in hand, quietly watching rainbows dance across my studio walls. The sun is just coming up and its light shines through my crystals in the window. Dancing rainbows quietly creating a magical moment to begin my day. But the rainbows represent more than magic – they represent dreams, and hope and love and energy. They represent, promises and hopes and fresh beginnings. “I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth” Genesis 9:12-15. “And a rainbow was around the throne.” Revelation 4: 1-3.