Rainbows, Inspiration, and The Gladys Gibson Bronze Medal Award
Posted on June 07 2020

"Sunshine and Rainbows" was awarded The Gladys Gibson Bronze Medal Award in the 15th Annual Emerald Spring Exhibition juried show at the Emerald Art Center in Springfield, Oregon. The Emerald Art Center re-opened on June 3rd while maintaining social distancing protocols. The show is now open to the public.
This award winning work was inspired by the rainbows that dance on the walls of the artist's studio on sunny days.
Christine's studio surrounds her with inspiration including Swarovski Crystals scattered about to create rainbows. She says the rainbows are like angels or creative ideas floating around her waiting to land as inspiration.
Today the sun is shining through the windows of my studio. The crystals I have hanging there create rainbows flowing over all the surfaces of the room. That is how I think about ideas – ideas are the rainbows and when one of them lands on me it sends sparks through me. Sometimes those sparks stay, and sometimes they don’t. When they do, they grab hold and I know they need to be brought to life.
In this photo you can also see the Adirondack chair where the artist sits most mornings to draw inspiration before beginning the day. This chair is featured in many of Christine's works to represent both herself and the viewer within the art.