The Space of Silence
Posted on October 27 2022

Featured image: Space the Last Frontier
Where I live, in the early morning silence as the morning begins and the sun rises, I often hear and see boats on the lake. Usually there is just one person fishing alone. Also, on the evenings when the lake is as quiet as a mouse, there are no ripples, just evening light reflecting on the lake, canoes, and kayaks. They paddle to the middle of the lake and just sit there. There is silence as the day ends and the sun goes down.
When I am fishing on a remote lake in Canada, the silence is so different from the mornings when I have my morning coffee. There is not a person or vehicle for 200 miles. You can hear yourself breathing. And you can hear the fishing lures plop in the water for the first time that day. This silence, in this space is such a treasure.
Why are there those of us who seek out this silence? What is the allure? It is the idea of being alone with your thoughts, your mysterious mind, your visions, and treasures. All alone – and to be just to be is why I treasure this kind of silence so.