The Garden

Christine Alfery

Posted on August 29 2022

The Garden

 Featured image: Jitterbug Iris


There is a chill in the air this morning.  The new phlox seems to be taking it nicely.  This is the first time that I have planted phlox in the garden and I love the motley space that they present with their magenta, pink, white and coral. I love to smell their fragrance every time I walk by them. Also new to the garden this year are red bee balm plants and magenta cone flowers. These pinks and purples, reds, whites and coral add contrast to the black-eyed Susan’s which weave through the lilies and iris.  

My newly planted daisies have finished blooming for the season.  Sad as they are such a happy hopeful flower.  They were intermingled with the Russian iris plants which bloom in the spring with a glorious purple blue.  I am wondering if I should put some phlox there to have a continued color throughout the spring and summer seasons.  

The milkweed plants are doing great – as you know I had tons of caterpillars on them.  The batch I planted last year is interesting. The batch that I ordered online had the caterpillars and the batch I picked up from the local grower had none.  They say that the caterpillars are picky about which milkweed plant they eat.  I guess that proves the point.

I love looking at the gardens early in the morning with coffee.  I love listening to the gardens early in the morning.  The silence is wonderful.  Nature, when you listen to it, when you hold still, and really listen, are receptive to the sounds, you can find yourself, well I can anyway, taking a lot of deep breaths.  This listening and being receptive allows me to look at life through a different window to the world - a patient world in which you have a deeper feeling of where you are and who you are.  I cherish these quiet moments.

“One is closer to God’s heart in the Garden than anywhere else on earth.”

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