Blog: The Aesthetic Sense
Posted on July 26 2019

Featured image: Flowers From My Garden - Purple
The Aesthetic Sense
Sun playing in the
Motley light
Vibrant morsels
Golden white
Diamonds nestle floating between
the leaves
Radiant gushing life
The day begins
Visit Christine’s Studio this weekend, July 26th, July 27th & July 28th from 10am-5pm each day.
See and experience her woods and the transcendental serenity of her woods during the Northwoods Art Tour,
Artists and Their Senses
Some artists should be explorers, a questers, searching for the unknown, the unseen. Artists should be sentient beings and allow their sentient being to explode. To share the textures of life and not allow her senses to fade into a puritanical routine that has no life.
Individual, subjective senses of an artist become objectified when they create something. If this aesthetic can be experienced by another what a glorious thing the artist has shared; not only their own sense of self, of soul, but also explodes another sense of being and self.
Artists should create works of art to enhance gorgeous senses and to add to another’s sense of the world.