Christine Alfery's Artist Statement
Posted on February 28 2022

Featured image: Gypsy
Christine Alfery's Artist Statement
February 2022
My work changes as I change, as my experiences in life change, and how I react to them change. Recently I have been working with figures. They just happened one day as I was turning a piece that I had just finished putting watercolor washes on. A figure emerged and shouted at me, "I want to come alive! Make me come alive! And I did and she did. Since then, I have been creating figures that speak to me and shout, "I want to live, I want to live!" This act of creating for the past year has been gloriously wonderful as I watch these figures speak to others besides myself. This change has been wonderful!
I still am creating my nonobjective pieces, but they too have changed. There is a conceptual meaning to them like in my figures. Giving these works a conceptual meaning brings them to life like it does for my figures. And it brings my visual voice to life.
Change happens, it is good. Life is good. Life is wonderful no matter what the circumstances. We learn from all things, our histories, but mainly from allowing ourselves to think. We also learn from really thinking for ourselves and then sharing who we are with others.