Blog: Remember Childhood
Posted on August 12 2021

Featured image: Somersaults
The other day a family came to visit the studio. They had a 2 year old who loved being outside and walking the paths in our woods. To watch his curiosity was such a wonder and joy for me. He picked up a monarch wing buried under some pine needles and asked his dad where the rest of the butterfly was – and was looking around for “the rest of the butterfly?”
Remember when we had such a curiosity before we learned to not to ask “why” and not to question? Remember the time before we learned to submit and try to learn the correct reasoning behind the answers. The key words here are “to learn the correct reasoning behind the answers” we are given. Before we learned this correct reasoning, we would be full of many “why’s.” We didn’t doubt ourselves,, and our abilities to question. We didn't doubt our own ability to be able think and solve problems. Before we began to doubt ourselves, our minds were filled with radiant states of being filled with wonder and aw. We had no fear, and we questioned the answers to our questions.
Remember when you were two? I don’t, but I do remember “play.” The choice is yours in how you live your life. The choice you have to make is about your potential, no matter what your age is.
I am –
You are and I am great and still filled with wonder and aw.