Pumpkin Pie
Posted on November 30 2022

Featured image: Pine Cones
There are very few smells in the woods in winter. The crusty blanket of snow covers the musty smell of fallen autumn leaves, and the dormant pine needles. Winter has a crisp smell. Hmmm… what is a crisp smell? How does snow smell? Trying to think of words that describe winter smells – it is hard. So, I come inside and bake a pumpkin pie and the aroma fills the kitchen. That does pumpkin smell like I ask myself. How do you describe the smell of pumpkin? I will have to work on that – if anyone has any suggestions help me out here.
I just know pumpkin pie and its aroma is filled with memories of family gatherings at Christmas and Thanksgiving. Can memories define the smell? Smell is so hard to describe.