October 28, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on October 28 2022

Watercolor Wisconsin 56th Annual Exhibition
"Turquoise Necklace" has been accepted into the Watercolor Wisconsin Annual Exhibition.
The Watercolor Wisconsin Exhibition is in its 56th year. During this year's exhibition there will be 106 works created by 95 Wisconsin artists.
RAM's Wustum Museum, 2519 Northwestern Ave., Racine, Wisconsin.
December 14, 2022 - April 23, 2023
Fluid Flow of Everything
Featured image: Rapids
The fluid flow of everything
like a river
moves, travels, oozes through me
your colors, and mine
not muddy
but brilliant and bright
Am – and You are
We are We
When did this We
Become a group
Instead of an I Am and
You are?
Learn to Listen
Featured image: Listen to the Music
The Space of Silence
Featured image: Space the Last Frontier
Where I live, in the early morning silence as the morning begins and the sun rises, I often hear and see boats on the lake. Usually there is just one person fishing alone. Also, on the evenings when the lake is as quiet as a mouse, there are no ripples, just evening light reflecting on the lake, canoes, and kayaks. They paddle to the middle of the lake and just sit there. There is silence as the day ends and the sun goes down.
When I am fishing on a remote lake in Canada, the silence is so different from the mornings when I have my morning coffee. There is not a person or vehicle for 200 miles. You can hear yourself breathing. And you can hear the fishing lures plop in the water for the first time that day. This silence, in this space is such a treasure.
Why are there those of us who seek out this silence? What is the allure? It is the idea of being alone with your thoughts, your mysterious mind, your visions, and treasures. All alone – and to be just to be is why I treasure this kind of silence so.
Periwinkle Flowers
Featured image: Periwinkle Flowers
Periwinkle against golden
Yellow golden sunflower
Magenta splash
New Works:
Fields Along The Edge Of The River
Poetry, Haikus, Limericks and Musings
Magic and Playfulness
Featured image: Improv II- Discovery
In the middle where most of us live, there is that which has not vanished and that which has not arrived. There are tons of individuals and new places to explore and discover. In the middle, there are things that have not happened yet. It is unknown. The individual in the middle searches out these unknown treasures and gives visible grace to these treasures. The individual searches out that which has not vanished but may be hidden, and that which has not arrived and needs a little creativity. The individual in the middle gives depth to the vanished and that which has not arrived. They question and treasure the exploratory searches and discoveries. They treasure these times – and these times are anything but grey. Everything has life.
Ask yourself, what keeps you away from that which is truly your own. What keeps you away from the magic and playfulness and dangerous otherness of things in the middle? And your scared self?
Be Present
Featured image: The Middle Is Not Grey II
All you need to do in the space in the middle
Is to enter and be present.
Storm Came Thundering

Featured image: Cedar Roots Along The Shore
6:30 AM
the storm
came thundering
waves crashing
shore bouncing them
falling raindrops mixed
with snow
the storm
came thundering
Possibilities And Wonder
Featured image: It's In The Air
Do you honor your possibilities?
Do you celebrate the wonder of this day?
Possibilities and
Air, Wind and Earth
Featured image: Flowing Waters
Featured image: Feather
Are you fully
Do you have the
To enter a
Wilderness of the
The possible the
Foundation And Memories
Featured image: Going Home
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten. What happens to us - our experiences turn into memories. The presence of memories and experiences become your foundation from which you grow and change. This foundation is where our spirits and souls are. This foundation is intimate and sacred. This foundation is your light and your light comes from both good and bad experiences along with your willingness to accept change and possibilities.
This foundation, of yours, is your uniqueness, your one-of-a-kindness. I am not sure what happens to this space if we allow technology to do all the work for us. Technology is not sacred. It is not intimate and cannot think of possibilities, only you can. Treasure your memories and use them for possibilities.