Blog: N.F.S
Posted on May 26 2020

Featured image: Yellow Finch
NFS - to an artist these letters mean "Not For Sale". Our spirits, our hearts, our souls, our minds, should all have those three letters branded in place. Our spirits, our hearts, our souls, our minds, are not for sale.
This morning the air has a warm secure feeling to it. The shining light of the rising sun in the woods, as clouds come and go, shining on spring greens emerging from their winters sleep. The woods always feel unbroken in their wildness, tangled branches, uncontrolled growth, will of surprise and change.
A finch is calling from deep within calling his mate home. He is very comfortable in the spirit of the woods, with it’s wildness and chaos and tangled branches of the woods.
My Artist Spirit is like the finch – comfortable in it’s not for sale-ness.