Did You Know?
Posted on February 23 2022

Featured image: Lion Fish in the Reef
Did you know that our visual senses process 11.2 million bits of information per nano second? Did you know that the eye alone processes 10 million bits of visual information per second? Did you know that the eye has the largest processing capacity of all the five senses? By contrast, the conscious mind, operating at its maximum capacity, processes only 45 bits of information per second.
Just thought I would share – no wonder artist's art so unique and authentic – WOW!
Ap Dijksterhuis and Loran F. Nordgren. “A theory of Unconscious Thought,” Perspectives on Psychological Science 1, no.2(2006), 95-109, at 97, https://doi.org/10.1111%2Fj. 1745 – 6916. 2006.00007.x