Blog: Creativity
Posted on May 23 2018

Featured image: Circus Lions and Acrobats
Have you ever listened to someone sing and ask yourself, where in the world did that sound come from? I have. Usually the normal voice doesn’t sound at all like the singing voice. I think of baritones, that deep deep rich sound I say to myself comes from him?
It’s the same way for the visual arts – at least for me. I have no idea where something comes from. Especially when it is rich, and imaginative and creative. Not all my work is that way – but when I look at a piece and something emerges that is a wow – I ask where did that come from?
“Circus Lion and Flying Acrobats” is a piece I look at and say that about. And the same is true for most of my circus pieces.
This creative force, this imagination, I have no idea how it emerges from me but it does. Because I am an extremely spiritual person and artist, and because I have faith, and I believe I can only answer that question with as Paul Klee did “I am but a channel” for something in this universe that is way more powerful, creative and imaginative than I am. And thought I cannot see it, I feel it, I feel it every day. I see it in my work. I believe in it and I have faith that this powerful creative force exists.
Every day I thank God for this voice that emerges from me. To honor this voice within me is to honor my uniqueness. Not to honor it would be disrespectful.