Blog: Words and Images
Posted on January 15 2021

Featured image: Bowl of Fruit
The stories and comments I write "about a work" are the conceptual part of my work. I am a conceptual abstract artist. These texts, these stories, both textual and visual, are part of me and who I am, what I believe and what my values are. I am never divorced from either. And it is my way of encouraging others in a non-confrontational way to think about what stopped them and why, to think about what the story is, the concept here.
I also love sharing the concepts and stories because they create a history. My history, that is constantly changing but also, a history of the times I live in, and that others live in. When I write, it is to record a history of the present.
Let me share this example: The painting I am using here is an older one. When I first painted it, it was a bowl of fruit but when I framed it up and hung it on commission in a stockbrokers office, I told him the title was Bowl of Fruit. He said, "It looks like a push lawnmower to me that just ran over a rabbit and blood is oozing out."
This piece for me will forever be “Lawn Mower” because of what happened that day. Now, I don’t have the work listed that way on my site because really it was a bowl of fruit. I just recently retrieved the work back, when the stockbroker changed his office. I had forgotten all about it, but it one of the reasons I do not put work out there like that anymore.