Blog: Why are straight lines bad for me?
Posted on January 06 2021

Featured image: Red Sun
There are some things that just hit the spot. The spot being just what you need, whether you realize it or not, at a specific moment. Like when you first climb into bed and snuggle in under a cozy down and your body says, "Ah, I needed that." Well, something happened to me that just hit the spot that I didn't even realize that I needed.
I was watching the science channel and they were talking about travel into outer space. I was watching the channel waiting for something to come on and it was the only one available that sounded interesting. It was New Year's Eve and most of the channels were broadcasting New Year celebrations from all over the country. So, really, it wasn’t the interest in the science channel that really drew me in. It was what they were talking about and how the scientists were envisioning themselves and how through their thinking that they hoped to leave a mark behind for future scientists and generations when it came to thinking about alternative places to live other than earth.
They talked about how to make energy on Mars, how to make food in space, and how most human beings who choose to live on another planet in the beginning would have to be vegetarians because plants were easier to grow than animals. The program spoke about zero gravity and its effect on the body. One example that they gave was in regard to how we would make love in zero gravity. This one caught my attention! They said it would be like making love in the water. One person would need to hold on to something to ground them both. Who knew they would talk about sex on the science channel? Or, perhaps, folks would make love like dolphins make love, needing there to be three in the love making process. Did you know that dolphins needed three to make love? I did not. But I am off-point now. Back to what inspired me.
With all of these little tidbits, along with their visions, their explorations, their trials, their successes, and their failures, were kindred souls to me. I felt right at home with them even though I was not a scientist. I related to their ability to get up and change and try again just because they enjoyed the process of problem solving and exploring. For them, it was not the questions that needed answering that triggered their curiosity, but rather, it was the questions they created by exploring and discovering different ways to think about something that was important.