Blog: Mom's Yellow Iris
Posted on June 16 2021

Featured image: Mom's Yellow Iris
I just love it when the irises begin to bloom. They are such a “sexy” flower. So exotic! This year I have such a wonderful line of purple “Russian Irises” that are right in the front of my garden. Last year I planted some larger bulbs of lavender ones in the back. What a wonderful, wonderful memory when my mom’s irises bloom!
I love the story behind my mom’s yellow irises. I was in charge of caring for my parents as they became unable to care for themselves. One of my responsibilities was to sell my folk’s house. As I drove away from the house for the last time, I noticed one of mom’s irises blooming. I stopped and dug it up with my hands and took it home and planted it. I can remember these irises from the very first red house I ever lived in, and every time we moved, mom moved them with us. It just seemed the right thing to do to continue the tradition. Every year they bloom and every year I recall the memories attached to mom’s yellow iris.