Blog: Be one of a kind
Posted on June 03 2020

I used to cry often not because I was sad but because life is so beautiful and wonderful I have always been filled with love and loving. Life is not beautiful because of the artificial bling we give it, it is not beautiful because of the rhinestones we adorn the outside of our bodies with – life is beautiful because each day we can create how we want it to be. Rhinestones won’t do it. Only love can. Don’t embrace material things that only dissolve in a moment, you cannot buy love. Now I cry every day for a different reason, we seem to be embracing rhinestones instead of the treasures that lie within us. Create who you are – be a wonderful piece of art, not one that shines like a rhinestone on the outside, but one that shines from within like the unique spirit you are. Create your life like a work of art not like rhinestones. Be unique, but individual, be one of a kind.