A Study in the Use and Application of Color
Posted on May 03 2021

Featured images: White Bunny and Robin Red Breast
Frequently when I do small works they are a study for something. These two wonderful creatures were a study in how the use and application of color frequently carries the whole experience of the work. For example, in the White Bunny, the colors are flat and fill a shape with minimal texture and brush work. The Robin Red Breast has the same colors as White Bunny, white, teal, orange, orange variants, golden yellow, black, but the brush work, texture and application of the paint has changed and therefore, that changes the entire mood and feel of the work.
It is very hard for me to do a large work like White Bunny. But, after several small pieces that turn out as nicely as she does with the mixture of colors that she has perhaps, I will feel comfortable enough to try one.