Christine Alfery

The Song the Wind Sings

The Song the Wind Sings, 60 x 40
Watermedia on canvas

Also known as Footprints When We Leave

  • Merit Award. Regional Group Exhibition. “The Song The Wind Sings.” Manito Art League. Manitowish Waters, WI.
    • Judge Ken Bloom, curator, artist from Duluth, Minnesota gave “The Song The Wind Sings” a merit award at the Manito Art Leagues Regional Exhibition. He made these comments about her work: “A highly abstracted and exploding composition, layered of quantitative forms superimposed upon an ambiguous landscape suggesting a tectonic cleft, as a storied map of describing evolution and transcendence.”
Artist statement:

The song the wind sings
The tears the rain cried
white waves
blue against the shore
seeds sown