Christine Alfery
The Scale
Original watermedia on cradled clayboard
- "The Scale" Online Juried Exhibition. Art Fluent's BOUNDLESS
- Juried to be part of The Marin Society of Artists 2020 Celebration of Art Exhibition in San Rafael, California.
- Juried to be part of the Cincinnati Art Club’s ViewPoint 52 exhibition. It was chosen as one of the best of the best from works submitted from all over the country.
Christine Alfery’s current series “Gears” has gone by many names. For this artist, the process of exploring a concept usually takes precedence over the final result.
Much like her paintings, layer upon layer has been added - each layer adding depth and texture to the initial idea. As she explains "I just let the work travel and become something else that is just as wonderful - I let the work become what it wants to become not what I want it to become."
In this series, Alfery explored the apparent dichotomy of natural creation versus man-made design. The artist discovered these forces are two sides of the same coin – you cannot have one without the other. The key is balance, and this is found in creativity.
To learn more the Gears series, CLICK HERE