Christine Alfery

Stars in the Night

Stars in the Night, 30 x 40

Original watermedia on paper 

Featured image in blog, Learning to Read


  • Juried Regional Exhibition.  “Stars In The Night”  Neville Public Museum.  Green Bay, WI.
  • “Stars In The Night” was selected for the Neville Public Museum’s 74th Art Annual juried exhibition! This year’s guest juror was Lena Vigna. Lena is the Curator of Exhibitions at the Racine Art Museum (RAM). “Bold color, imaginative narratives, and inventive processes and approaches to materials were the name of the day.
  • Christine  displayed new works from her “Movement and Change” series as a solo exhibition, January 25- April 22, 2017, in the new Vault Gallery at the Center For The Visual Arts – Wausau, WI.