Christine Alfery
Original water media on paper - Sold
Also Known as “Spirit: Along The Edge”
Featured image in the blog, Democracy In Art aka Being Juried by a Working ArtistFeatured image in blog, Freedom through Christ
- Juried National Exhibition. Verum Gallery. Portland, Oregan. “Cliff.”
- “Spirit: Along The Edge” (also known as Cliff) was accepted into the 2018 “Roots” Exhibition at the Center For The Visual Arts in Wausau, WI by judge Lynn Zetzman. Lynn has been the Fine Arts Chair at the Xavier High School in Appleton, WI and has taught for Lawrence University. She is the director of the Aylward Gallery, UW-Fox Valley.
- Judge Mark MeHaffey awarded “Cliff” the Harriet Q. Johnson Award in the NWWS International Exhibition.
A statement from the artist on this award:
“So amazed, and so honored. According to the judge there were 350 entries to the exhibition, 56 made it into the exhibition and only 4 received awards. Mine was one of them. I listened to a video Mark MeHaffey created stating how he judged the exhibition. He had four criteria; First, and miles above the other three, was that he needed some kind of connection to the work – be it emotional or intellectual. This connection was, he stated, always in the content of the work, the emotional, aesthetic appeal of the work. Second, design was important, using the elements of principles of design. Third, the technical ability of the artist – how does the artist handle paint, brush, paper and water? He stated that this one was not very important because he felt that if artists were entering international exhibitions they knew how to handle all these things. Fourth, he would find himself thinking “damn I wish I would have thought of that, or done that.” What a treat to listen to his criteria for judging an international exhibition – and what a treat that he related to my work “Cliff” this way.”