Christine Alfery

Making Critters

Making Critters, 8 x 8
Unique original unique watermedia on paper- Sold

Artist statement:

Making critters has been part of my visual vocabulary for some time now.  They usually appear in my smaller works.  So, it makes sense to create a work about making critters.  Lines and circles go into the machine and critters come out.  But, wait,  is the machine mechanical or organic?  The simple gentle watercolor wash questions that.  It takes on the shape of a tree yet the tree is a very angular tree.  If the machine is organic are my critters organic, fluid and constantly changing?  If the critter making machine is mechanical are my critters mechanical?
Humm.  Not only am I working with theory in this piece I am trying to work with wonder watercolor washes and not make the work have such thick paint on it.