Blue Bouquet Accepted Into 48th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Exhibition
Posted on June 28 2021

Blue Bouquet was accepted into the 48th Annual Rocky Mountain National Watermedia exhibition, 2021.
Juror, Steve Griggs, was scrupulous in making his decisions, selecting only 65 pieces out of 485 submissions. The show will take place in person and hang in the Center for the Arts Evergreen gallery as it has for the last several years. In addition to the in-person show, we will be creating an online exhibition providing you an opportunity to “walk through” the exhibit virtually.
Juror, Steve Griggs, was scrupulous in making his decisions, selecting only 65 pieces out of 485 submissions. The show will take place in person and hang in the Center for the Arts Evergreen gallery as it has for the last several years. In addition to the in-person show, we will be creating an online exhibition providing you an opportunity to “walk through” the exhibit virtually.