Announcement: Calling All Poets and Artists
Posted on January 13 2022

Hello Artists and Art Lovers and Poets,
Howard Young Art Gallery is pleased to announce that they will once again be having exhibitions in their gallery. All the exhibitions have COVID restrictions like everything else. But yes, once again we will have the opportunity to show our art and allow others to see the wonderful art within the Northwoods. A group of artists from the Wausau area will be showing their work during April. The Lakeland Art League is working on dates to exhibit the work of its members, and we are once again having the Artist Muse exhibition where artists and poets collaborate, creating poems and art that complement each other.
Call for Poets and Artists
The Artist’s Muse V Exhibit: Howard Young Art Gallery Exhibition
Poets and Artists collaborate, a reception, art and poetry reading will be followed by an open mic. COVID restrictions will apply.
June 6th - August 12, 2022, Woodruff, WI. Reception date to be determined.
Please see attached flyer and guidelines/forms.
Click HERE to download flyer and forms.
Featured image: The General Sherman Tree by Christine Alfery
Poem by: Nancy Austin
En Plein-Air Nancy Austin
Led by the wooded curve of a crushed granite drive,
I parked for the ekphrastic event in the last spot,
driver’s door close to an old, tall tree.
I slid out, face tight to a red pine's primal canvas.
Scattered in clay colored ridges were onyx scales
like slaty cleavage, crusty furrows that looked as though
they could be lifted, built up, split apart, reassembled.
A Cézanne. A Picasso. A Juan Gris.
As daylight shifted, embers ascended from the bark's
darkest carrels, lucent pigments flared like doves flung
into opaline flight above schools of coral-colored salmon,
fluoresced, in seas of earthen umber.
Frozen in this humble drive beside the ancient tree
I watched Monet’s brush, his choppy strokes, his liaison
with form and light, the poet’s, the painter’s desiderata.