Visions Are Maps
Posted on July 12 2022

Featured image: Visions Are Maps
Visions are like maps. They guide the individual, the self and the soul through a tangle of twists, turns and entanglements. However, visions may leave out many of the details in the process of map making, because the details cloud over the vision. Maps from a vision are more like the folded maps that you pick up at the rest stop when you enter a new state. These maps have main roads but tiny dirt and gravel roads are left out.
In both the visions and in turn the work that the artist creates from these visions, frequently the details of the gravel road are left out. Or, they leave out all the extraneous details surrounding the gravel road and just emphasize the gravel road. Why? Mainly because whether a vision is microscopic or macroscopic, it is the vision that is the point that needs to be emphasized.
How are visions different from ideologies? Visions are personal and intimate, ideologies are not. Visions often can be linked to what we sense and feel. A vision happens before reason jumps in and changes the playground of a vision. Visions can give you a personal sense of how the world should work.