The Choices We Make

Christine Alfery

Posted on August 23 2022

The Choices We Make

Featured image: Coffee With a Little Yellow Bird At The Bird Bath

Is there anything original anymore? Or are we all just a re-mixture of all the things that have been? Is there actually an original painting/artwork any more or is it just a re-mixture of all the things that have already been?

Is this life just a remix or is it an original? Look at yourself. My answer would favor you are an original, one of a kind, like no other.

It is the process of living an authentic life and making choices that makes you who you are, just like the choices we make will be different than what has been before.  We are the choices we make.  They are the only things that define us and make us authentic.

This Work “Coffee with a Little Yellow Finch at the Bird Bath” is an excellent example, II tried to make that little yellow bird look like a finch. But alas, any authentic self got in the way. The little yellow finch is different from that of other artists who make little yellow finches.

Some choices I make in my life are to celebrate knowledge and innovation – and to follow my own path. Think about the choices you make.

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