Spontaneity and Love
Posted on July 14 2022

Featured image: Purple Tulips II
I have always thought that there was enormous power and energy in love and spontaneous-ness because both are uncontrollable. Neither of them can be put into a box. Take the spontaneous gesture of coming to a vista and lifting your arms to the sky. Have you ever done that? I do it all the time. There is such a release when it happens especially when it is spontaneous.
The problem though, and sorry there usually is a problem with most things subjective, is that subjectivity is controllable by others. That is, unless you know who you are, what your visions are and how you visualize yourself and the future.
Art has, well let me rephrase that, was always about the individual expressing self, their subjectivity. An artist is always very vulnerable, when they cannot control what they put out there for all to see, and it is scary. But, the trade off, don’t create, and know yourself and your vision for yourself and your future and stand by it no matter what.
I still imagine that when I enter my studio and will it with the energies of spontaneity and love. My spontaneity and my love, not someone else’s.