Blog: Snow Globe II
Posted on November 23 2021

Featured image: Snow Globe
Shake, shake
Tamarack needles
Golden, red, russet
Falling. Sky above me
Tree top horizons
Looking up
From my Adirondack
through the glass
to blue forever
One season ends and another begins.
Fall into winter.
Do we always look through the glass
or are we looking from above in
Fall into winter
The space between
glass and reality is the middle
It is anything but grey
Shake, shake
Tamarack needles
Golden, red, russet
Falling. Sky above me
Tree top horizons
Looking up
From my Adirondack
through the glass
to blue forever
One season ends and another begins.
Fall into winter.
Do we always look through the glass
or are we looking from above in
Fall into winter
The space between
glass and reality is the middle
It is anything but grey