September 23, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on September 23 2022

As The Wind Blows Receives Award
The Texas Watercolor Society just announced that Christine Alfery's work "As The Wind Blows" was recognized by judge Karen Knutson, with the Third Place Award.

Featured image: Painted Bird Wind Up Toy
Something to think about when you think about your independence and individuality - what is your soul and your spirit?
Is your soul a mere pattern with repeat colors? Do you repeat what others do? If so, maybe it is time to reimagine and reinvent yourself.
The Change Factor

Featured image: On My Way to the Circus
Why is it that people believe that if you change one factor in a complex situation, that everything else remains the same and unchanged?
That sure doesn’t happen in art creating, making and imagining – ever. Why? Because they work with reality. Art works in the moment and when you change one thing in a work of art all of the things change in that work.

Featured image: Your Path
Is democracy and art, as it is understood today, an unlimited rule?
“ True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth.” Eleanor Roosevelt.
Does democracy determine right and wrong?
If democracy is determined by the majority, does that mean right and wrong can be determined by the majority? According to some, the answer to that question should be yes if democracy is determined by the majority. That concerns me because what then happens to the individual? And what happens to individual freedom? The word democracy has changed today. Why?
Democracy used to mean the right of the individual. The individual was protected under the constitution. I am not seeing that anymore. Perhaps, that is why there is so much repetition in the arts today. Individuals just aren’t as important anymore. Art is going the way that America’s democracy is going. The understanding of art is changing. because the individual is excluded.
There are many who don’t like that art is dominated by the individual, but honestly those spaces are so few and far between – perhaps we should protect that space of the individual. It is certainly what I champion. For me, art has never been dominated by another’s unlimited rule.
For as long as I can remember, the individual artist has determined what is right and wrong for them and their work. If an individual artist determines to live on what he/she creates then selling their work must be taken into account when they create. If an artist feels they are entitled to be supported by something else because they are different and creative, then they are beholden to who supports them. If an artist determines to support themselves and can’t make it by selling what they create because no one wants it, then the artist must choose what is more important to them.
Being creative isn’t anything special. It is just taking the hand of cards you were dealt and playing them the best way that you know how. Being creative isn’t a “better” different than anyone else's kind of different. It is all about your uniqueness and how you share it with others.
An Individual's Life

Featured image: Migration Trail
Supreme value
An individual's life
Anything else confuses
Soul, spirit, self

Featured image: Flicker
Rivulets of song
Slivers of melodies bass
Droplets harmonies
Staccato squacks Black
bird calling
Drum rolls
Out of tune
Being herself

Featured image: Nuthatch
Hush hush
Talking, babble, song
Exclaiming urgent chants
Hush, hush she is here
Warbling Warbler

Featured image: Chubby Checkers
I love collecting
Things … Including words, glori…
ous, Words, words, that are
differently used
Used in different
Places…Places where they don’t
Belong warbling warbler
Sacred Earth

Waters forever-
ness, where horizon meets the
sky. Wild divinity trees.
reaching for the heavens.
Sacred earth
When You Travel

when you travel you
find yourself alone attentive
to your heart, spirit, soul,
self. they unexpectedly
Illuminate your
way follow their compass their
light. follow the light.
Bouquet of Wilderness

Featured image: Bouquet of Wilderness
Bouquet of Wilderness
Flowers are like you,
Filled with wilderness and beauty.
A bouquet of wild-
-Erness for your heart and soul.
The Glory of the Mind

Featured image: Direction
The glory of the
Mind filled with perceptions
fields, endless unknown
Infinite forever
The Sanctuary of Silence

Featured image: Silence
The silence how easily,
how naturally
I slip myself into its sheer pleasure.
The silence for me is like writing a love letter to myself
slipping the letter into an envelope,
tying a ribbon around it.
every once in a while I untie that ribbon
let all those treasured things, to be felt again –
like the silence. Wonderful.
New Works:
New Beginnings - Orchid Sprouts