Open Spaces That Go Forever
Posted on October 05 2022

Featured image: Fields of Green
What is it about fields and fields of tall green grass ?
The grass is so tall that you can slide the palms of your hands across the tops of greenness.
Off in the distance, an old fence with wires broken.
Surrounds an old barn, cluttered with cobwebs and old bales of hay.
It is fields and fields of memories – of lives lived –
Close your eyes. Spread your wings, Twirling, twirling. It is fields and fields of open spaces that go on forever.
You believe like the fields that you can go forever and someday touch the sky.
Where the sweet smell of green grass and forever sky become one.
What is it about fields and fields of tall green grass?
So tall you can slide the palms of your hands across its greenness – and walk forever
Trying to reach the forever sky.