November 25, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on November 25 2022

Featured image: November Flicker
I Am
Featured image: Her Song - She Has Always Sang To The Tune Of A Different Drummer
The Words I Say Everyday
Featured image: It's a Keeper
The words I say as I think to myself every day – every time I start a painting, every time I begin a musing – I am about individuality, and dreams and possibility.
Of course, when I paint and say these words to myself - my work doesn't always agree with me. But I try and I learn every time I create.
Art Triggers Potential
Featured image: Sunset at the Lake
Art is beneficial to the heart, mind and soul. How does this “beneficial-ness” happen? There are many perspectives on how beneficial-ness is accomplished. I wrote about two in my musing when I said that it was “a hope for a reward or fear of being different.” Is beneficial-ness created in hopes of a monetary reward, a social reward, or is beneficial-ness created by simple wonderful creativity and imagination?
I believe the latter. Intentions and objectives benefit many including the viewers of art and the artists themselves.
Art should be an unconstrained essence and happiness. Art is slowly losing this value. Art triggers all of our naturalness. Art is capable of touching all of our spirits, selves and souls, because of its diversities only if it remains unconstrained (controlled, governed).
Art triggers human potential in all of us but only if it remains unconstrained.
The Individual" America's Heart & Soul
Featured image: Soulful Jazz Singer
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”
“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
"I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care about money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. I claim credit for nothing. A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future." Albert Einstein
The Individual: Americas Heart & Soul
Individualism, the rights of people, all people is a sovereign right in the United States. The creative process belongs to a single individual creator.
We all learn from others that have created before us. We are taught how to think and how to create from those who have come before us. We exchange and intermingle our creative ideas with theirs.
No one can teach another how to be themself or how to think for themselves. Even with all of the exchanges that have happened, it is still only the individual that can do that. Otherwise, they are not unique and authentic. They would be working with another’s spirit and another’s soul, not their own.
It is also extremely difficult if one is using the thinking of another to see individuals, unique, authentic individuals and their inalienable individual rights. Hence, my extreme caution when I see another that is not thinking for themselves but using the thoughts and thinking of another.
Sometimes it is hard to find one’s unique self and soul. But, thinking on your own and not thinking the way that another thinks is what it takes. That’s why it is hard. Sometimes, it is also hard to see America because so many people are using the thoughts, spirits, and energies of others and not their own.
The Spider Web
Featured image: The Spider Web
In the corner of the porch attached to the cabin there is a huge gloriously, delicately designed spider web. The web’s design is only visible because the sun is high, lighting its delicate threads.
It’s interesting to think of webs that are created in real life. It is hard like the spider web when it isn’t highlighted by the direct sunlight to avoid them. We become trapped by them, like the spider’s captives. Wonderfully, most of the time we can free ourselves and try not to fall in to the same trap again.
Fire in the Fireplace
Featured image: Heading Home
Fire in the fireplace
takes away the winter chill
A place of shelter and love
While I was 6 years old, I sat on a very tall stool watching my mom get supper ready. It was a beautiful day outside. The kitchen was filled with sun, warmth and love. We had a very small island in our small kitchen. Our house was the size of a small cottage and painted red on the outside. It was home.
That day my mom had asked me if I wanted to make a cake for dessert. I had never made a cake before – let alone cook in the kitchen with the big oven. I had gotten a very small oven that ran on batteries for Christmas once. It came with some tiny pans along with small boxes of cakes and cookies to bake in the oven. I felt so grown up using that little oven. I baked all of the tiny tiny little cakes and cookies that Christmas day. They just needed some water added to them before I put them in the small oven. I shared them with family members when they came for dinner that Christmas day.
But to make a real cake, in the big oven, wow that was special. I chose to make a marble cake because I couldn’t decide between a vanilla cake or a chocolate cake.
It is incredible how many of life’s roots happen in the kitchen. This kitchen was home. This red house was home. It was a place where I came home after school, a place with many memories filled with love and security. Home has always been a private sanctuary for family and memories.
New Works:
Poetry, Haikus, Limericks and Musings
Featured image: Snow Globe
Soft outlines, blurred
Edges, phantom forms, blanketed
with crystals of snow.
ice crystals prisms
of color illuminated.
Bird feet form pictographs
in the snowflakes
like you no two are
the same.
Featured image: Sky, Earth, River
Ravishing world
sensations brimming
spectacles of life
brooks, rivers woods,
fields of grain, sea,
ocean, stars, galaxies,
orchids, roses,
just simply
fill up your senses
Evening Grosbeaks
Featured image: Evening Grosbeak
tuxedo tails
sensational yellow
hat of black
with yellow ribbon.
Nature's Gift
Featured image: Yellow Trees on a Peninsula
White trees - phantoms in the woods
Delicate lace embraces them
nature's gift - sublime