November 11, 2022 Weekly Musings
Posted on November 11 2022

Special Offer!
Signed Artist Proofs
What is an Artist Proof Print?
An artist proof print has a connection to limited edition prints. It is commonly known as a copy of the photograph and is not a part of the numbered edition. These prints are used as a test print by the artist and kept for their personal collection.
Why Buy an artist proof?
Artist proofs tend to be lower cost than originals or giclee prints. However, they are often sought after for their uniqueness. Because they tell the story of an artwork's journey, they are often more meaningful to the artist and those who collect their work. Collectors often feel a closer connection to the artist and their process through proofs, and they are also seen as more valuable due to their scarcity.
An artist's proof is numbered as follows:
Her Gypsy Spirit Receives Award
"Gypsy" has received the PWCS Award for Use of Color at the Philadelphia Water Color Society’s 122nd Anniversary International Exhibition of Works on Paper in West Chester, PA.
Featured image: The Strings We Attach To Things
Caw Caw
Featured image: Black Bird
Inner Compass
Featured image: Inner Compass
I think reason is important for the formation of a community. However, reason isn't the all-important end all of questioning and should never be absolute.It should never exclude the imaginary and wonder of the self which is always filled with possibility.
Follow your inner compass - feed your inner soul - always allow yourself to imagine and wonder.
Featured image: Patchwork Landscape
Transcendent – Beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience. Existing apart from and not subject to the limitations of the material universe.
Is a soul or spirit transcendent? If so, how can it be imagined? For me the soul, the spirit is something that is a loosely woven tapestry made of fabric, a weaving that has a lot of gaps. A weaving of the transcendent is not stable. It is unstructured. I imagine a weaving of clouds moving with the changing wind- not stable, sometimes transparent and sometimes opaque. So yes, I believe the soul or spirit is transcendent.
Is this kind of transcendent divine like many famous philosophies claim,such as Kant, Plato and writers like Emerson and Thoreau? I don’t see it that way. I don’t know why, because their transcendence is based on the idea that romanticism is better than rationalism. I do like their idea of transcendent being grounded in nature – but this nature needs to be divine.
How do I imagine the transcendent? Imagine a haze surrounding yourself, something like a sun dog surrounds the sun because that implies a glow – a light. I like that imaginary and the weaving of the sun dog with the clouds. Great tapestry – the soul and spirit of the transcendent – honestly – it is the imagined.
New Works:

Poetry, Haikus, Limericks and Musings
All That You Are
Featured image: Imagination
Prisms of Delight
Featured image: Sunshine And Rainbows
Featured image: Blue Melts Into Golden
Paradox – a situation, person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. Paradox the contrast and clash of opposites.

Featured image: Sacred Earth
Trust – to rely on the accuracy of – to believe in – to have confidence in someone or something.
Wild Beauty

Featured image: Bouquet of Wilderness
Otherness’s wild
beauty … It is your authentic…
Ness … Honor, embrace
Earth's Truths

Featured image: Sky, Earth, River
Leaves are silent,
wind is silent Grey sky a
blanket that covers
the earth …
Earth's truths
Your Mystery

Featured image: Don't Fence Me In III
Become the gracious
passionate subject of your
own life Respect your
mystery. Embrace
your mystery as it unfolds
Threshold of Change

You are a seamless
Flow of presence, you are a
Paradox. Invisible.
Creating a Threshold of