Blog: My Process
Posted on November 18 2019

Featured image: Swarm
My process is to plant a seed and allow it to germinate and take root. This allows my thoughts and ideas to cross-fertilize and engage with each other and the material elements in the work. I push these elements in my work in new directions over the entire process of creating it. And in turn, carry what I have learned from one work to the next. Rather than create things from reality of the outdoors and nature, I find the subject, the context and content of my work during this process of creating. I allow my knowledge of the subject and my history of working with it in the past to flow fluidly with the process of creating. I love traveling uncharted terrains guided only by my intuition and instinct. This allows for chance, change and spontaneity. They are the major parts of the work I create. I am inspired by the physical world and by nature. My journey and the voyages I take are part of discovery of the physical world, nature, spirit and myself which appears in my work. I work like a gardener. I respect life. I plant the seeds of life and creation itself so they can take root and live on in future generations. My deepest fear is that they won’t and that they will be replaced by something just the opposite like….I can only think of the movie Matrix when I attempt to finish this line. Life and a copy of life as a utopian universe that never has chaos, no seeds planted there.