Posted on December 08 2022

Featured image: Shoreline
The growth of something, an object or a concept travels through time and has a history. We know that as something travels through time it changes. It either grows or dies, depending on how popular it is and how we, as a culture, popularize something.
If the changes, growth or non growth determine something, which to some extent is determined by its popularity, does popularity determine how we know?
If that is the case would da Vinci ever have been considered a great artist? Would Picasso?
We adapt to our times, as does our art today? Multiples, multiples.
The growth of something, an object or a concept travels through time and has a history. We know that as something travels through time it changes. It either grows or dies, depending on how popular it is and how we, as a culture, popularize something.
If the changes, growth or non growth determine something, which to some extent is determined by its popularity, does popularity determine how we know?
If that is the case would da Vinci ever have been considered a great artist? Would Picasso?
We adapt to our times, as does our art today? Multiples, multiples.