May 6, 2022 Weekly Musings

Christine Alfery

Posted on May 06 2022

May 6, 2022 Weekly Musings


Destiny and Fate

Featured image: Parrot

As a “wordy,” I began to think about the word, “destiny.” When I begin to think of words, I ask myself, “What is the opposite of destiny and what other words are used instead of it?”

The opposite of destiny is predetermination. Another word associated with destiny is fate.

How these two words, destiny and fate, are defined make them completely different and not synonymous with each other. Fate is more like chance, karma or luck. Destiny can also be like chance, karma or luck. However, when predetermination enters the arena with destiny, the meaning and way to understand the two words changes. There are choices when one uses the word destiny. There are no choices when one uses the word fate. All aspects of our lives are because of our decisions. These decisions gradually make up who we are and where we want to be. All our friends, our status, our jobs, our reputation and our character are based on our decisions. Therefore, we create our own destiny. We cannot make our own fate. There’s a big difference.

How does this work for me? I do not believe in fate. I do know that chance affects some of my choices. I do not believe in predetermination.For example, I don’t believe God predetermined what my life would be like. I do believe that God has given me the free will to make my own choices and they will in turn, affect my life my destiny.

For as long as I remember, I have chosen to be an artist. Just about everything that has happened to me has been based on my choices. I believe it is my destiny to be an artist.

I kind of like the way that all came together.



Young Fox

Featured image: Fox II

Young fox

Motley coloring


Ever so slowly

Approaches breakfast.



Human Nature

Featured image: Wren

My soul, my spirit, my consciousness, my mind's free will and my freedom are all choices that I make when I make decisions. My individual personal destiny is determined by these choices. To think is choice. It is human nature. Not to think would leave my life to fate not destiny. I choose destiny.




Featured image: Tides

It’s nice to begin in the slippery mess
Of water and paint.
The yellow’s radiant fooling mix.
When blue begins to ooze itself in.
Subliminal flowing of green begins
Water plays skillfully with the flow.
Supreme glorious creation
A dab of mystery.



New Works:

Scarlet Tanager


Just Call Me Lucky




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