May 20, 2022 Weekly Musing
Posted on May 20 2022

Culture and Agriculture 2022 Exhibition
Peace Plant has been accepted into the Culture & Agriculture 2022 Juried Exhibition. This exhibition is one of the most popular and well-attended exhibitions in its 36-year history at New Visions Gallery. You can enjoy the virtual exhibit at
Featured image: Missy
I have a chipmunk friend who visits me every morning for coffee. She scampers back and forth to the ground feeder in the woods, collecting the morsels that I’d left there today. As she returns with her pouches full of tasty morsels, I wonder what she does with all that food. She is too small to eat it all by herself.
She sits with me before she scurries back to the feeder. I imagine she is saying, “Thanks.” Such little joys in life! I have named her Missy.
Migrating Birds

Featured image: Going Home II
Three merganser ducks were resting in the water in front of the beach today. They had been flying north from probably, Tennessee. They didn’t stay long but they sure were pretty. Then I heard a loon over in Mud Bay. Their call is so wonderful to hear at anytime but especially in the spring. And then, yes, another wonderful sign of spring, a hummer buzzed my head.
All three of these birds have migrated, traveling here. A couple of them will stay but the merganser will move on. I have written about migration many many times. There are so many elements of migration. I like to think of migration as a journey and compare it to the journey of life with all of its changes. Life is always changing, life never ends. Oh, my life and your life will, but the concept of life, beautiful, beautiful life just changes and doesn’t end. Isn’t that a glorious thought?
Anyway, the lake opened yesterday and we are the first to have our pier in the water and to christen the lake with a boat. Crisp air blowing through my hair, chilly – but hey it’s wonderful spring.
My Love

Featured image: Setting Sail
My love creation
All around creation
It is frail yet strong
Its touch smooth
Yet textured its
Prison is the beginning
Its release its magical end
Magical wondrous end.
Precious Life

Featured image: Painted Bunting II
I am so glad, that the
Screams life, precious life.
Sweet sweet life
Spontaneous life
Sweet earth
Rivers, streams, oceans
Their frozen blood
Coming alive
Spring new beginnings
The sun breathing
Warmth into
The earth
Precious life
New Works