March 24, 2023 Weekly Musings

Tracey Halada-Pilsner

Posted on March 24 2023

March 24, 2023 Weekly Musings


Stairway Accepted Into Exhibition

William Underwood Eiland, the director of the Georgia Museum of Art at the University of Georgia and a distinguished alumnus of Birmingham-Southern College and the University of Virginia, approved Christine Alfery's "Stairway" piece for inclusion in the Texas National Exhibition and Competition 2023. The exhibition will be held at the SFA Galleries in East Texas from April 14 to June 30, 2023.



The Heart Of The Earth

Featured image: At Peace

Take the time
To look….
At the heart
Of the earth…
The place
you are in
It’s breath
It’s life
It’s a delightful
Breathe it in
Earths glory
Never fails


Earth III

Featured image: Along the Edge

Golden new growth
Shag bark spreads
V branch reaching up
Reaching, reaching
Touching the sky


The Unknown

Featured image: Mirage

The unknown invites possibilities.


Circle of Time

Featured image: Circle of Life

The circle of time permeates all histories and cultures. Birth, life, death. The circle of transcendence also permeates all histories and cultures, but it isn’t locked within like the circle of time. The circle of time is tightly woven, the circle of transcendence fibers is loosely woven and not bound to something like time. The weaving of one time into another time, the weaving of one concept of transcendence into another, interlocking the two, time and transcendence allows us to reflect through the history of time, and create through the history of transcendence.

When the circle of transcendence can move beyond the tightly woven weave of time, creation and creating, happens.


New Works:

Touch of Spring



Baby Bird






Spring Dance



Tree, Tree, Tree




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