March 19, 2021 Weekly Musings

Christine Alfery

Posted on March 18 2021

March 19, 2021 Weekly Musings

Featured image: How Do I Get There

Posted on March 15, 2021

Just finished framing and mounting this piece on canvas. And hung it in my front entry. Must say I am impressed. It looks very good there so I thought I would share it with you all.

How Do I Get There? 53x68 canvas I didn't think I would have this piece done in time for the CVA but "wa la" - I did. You can see the largeness of this work and the wow-ness of this work when it is hanging in the CVA Independent Spirits Exhibition from March 12th- May 7th.

To learn more:


Where does the soul come from?
Posted on March 16 2021
Where does the soul come from?

Featured image: The Red Road

Where does the soul come from?  Are We Born with It? Do We Die With It?

“Consequently, your question burns down to our free religious decision to believe in the created existence of our soul, independently of our body, before and after physical death, i.e. we are here to improve our souls by ethical action. Mystical literature speaks about our soul, being a spark of the divine soul; the divine spark enters the body at birth and leaves it at death; the supreme scientist knows the exact spiritual formula.” Jannel Glennie

For me – it has always been there. CEAlfery



Crooked Tree and Fluidity

Posted on March 17 2021

Crooked Tree and Fluidity

Featured image: On a High Note

As I looked at the tree trunk of a very crooked tree in the woods, noticing how it contrasted so wonderful with the happy, blue, white sky with touches of sunlight, I thought of its contrast. I thought of a carefully pruned tree in an English garden, manicured to perfection and an object of someone’s idea of beautiful.

How easily this contrast fits into my thoughts on art. The difference between the wild, crooked, unobjectified tree in the woods and the manicured perfection of the objectified tree in the garden. How wonderful it is for me to see a woods full of trees that are wild and growing freely. How wonderful it is to see unobjectified art pieces that come straight from the artist's soul and heart.

Unobjectified pieces are not ruled by rules and the way that things should be. Unobjectified objects are fluid and become part of what is. 

The next time that you look at a work of art, either yours or someone else’s, ask yourself, "Is it manicured and objectified or does it grow wild in the woods?" And then ask yourself which of the two would you prefer. If you choose the latter, then ask yourself why. Then, ask yourself who is manicuring my soul and spirit.



 Did You Choose?

Posted on March 18 2021

Did You Choose?

Featured image: Rejoice, Rejoice

Did you choose to become an artist or did “art” choose you?

For me, “art” chose me. I have always been a visual learner. Therefore, it only made sense that making pictures was how I wanted to speak.

And, I also choose art because I realized that I was a "different" type of learner back then. For me, today that word "difference" translates into individualism, and uniqueness, and one-of-a-kindness. The profession of art allows me to champion these ideas in my work because the concept of art, for the most part, has championed those concepts. It comes to me naturally.

So did you choose to become an artist? If so why? Or did “art” choose you? And how?


Aesthetic Moment - Woodpecker

Posted on March 19 2021

Aesthetic Moment - Woodpecker

Featured image: Woodpecker


This morning the geese

Flying north.

The first signs of spring.

I watch a downy woodpecker

At the feeder.

Blue sky

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