Posted on October 18 2022

Featured image: Imagination
Legacy….. we hear that word a lot lately now that the political season is in full swing. Have you ever thought of what you are doing or what you are creating to leave as a legacy? Something you will be remembered for? Sure, you want to be remembered but do you actually want to create a legacy so that you can be remembered for it. And, then, do you want to live your life to fulfill that legacy?
Personally, I don’t create to just create a legacy. I change too much. And I don’t want to be remembered as creating just because I wanted to create a legacy for myself. Rather, I look at the legacy of nature. If we can apply that word, “legacy,” to nature, then I think I would like to be remembered as nature is remembered. I would like to be remembered as a flowing steam, clear in the spring from the snow melt of winter. A spring that changes to a river and flows, flows, flows into something larger than the sea or ocean with wonderful blues and greens and sea creatures swimming within my embrace. Or, perhaps my soul would be a tree, a maple tree with sap running in the spring, sticky and sweet, becoming new each season, with sturdy roots in the earth, and leaves that change color in the fall. A tree that has leaves that blow with the wind. Nature’s changes are like my changes and I wish to be remembered as blending, bending and changing with the flow of the river and the caress of the wind.
Legacy, are we really just that one thing we can be remembered for like the politicians talk about. For me that seems so silly. Live your life, go with the flow, dance with the wind and I believe you will be living a full life that all will remember without a defined legacy.