June 11, 2021 Weekly Musings
Posted on June 11 2021

Christine Alfery Featured in Circle Quarterly Art Review - Issue 6
Featured image: Just Saying I Love You
Circle Quarterly Art Review - Issue 6:
With 618 participating artists in our magazine contest, who submitted artwork in a variety of discipline, media and styles, selecting only a portion of the images was not a simple task. We announce that Christine Alfery is one of the artists, along with her artwork, that was selected for publication in the 6th Issue of Circle Quarterly Art Review.
Enjoy viewing the e-magazine by clicking link. https://issuu.com/circlefoundationforthearts/docs/cqar6_magazine_by_cfa_press?fr=sMmQ0ODM3OTY4MjM
Blog: The Cowboy
Posted June 7, 2021
Featured image: The Cowboy
Have you ever really thought about and questioned how you are governed/controlled?
I have, which is probably why I am an artist and why I believe in the things that I do like freedom and respecting those who cannot color within the lines. The series I am currently working on, "Rugged Individualism," is all about those who find it difficult to not color within the lines. Those who do it on purpose and those who just can't help to stray outside of the accepted boundaries. It is in their uniqueness and their one-of-a-kindness. It is their spirit, their soul, their mind, their personality and their individualism that makes them live an authentic life.
"The Cowboy" is one of those who can't color within the lines, simply because he can't. It isn't in his nature. He recognizes that we, those who live in the United States, are a country of laws. The Cowboy's badge represents those rules. Some of the rules, "The Cowboy" understands, are difficult to enforce, like coloring in the lines and he accepts it. Some of the other rules he has a hard time living with which is why he chooses to live in open spaces. I might add, it is also why I choose to be an artist.
"The Cowboy" believes in the individual rights of a human being. He realizes that there are some things he cannot control, but also realizes he can choose to place himself in spaces that are open and free.
Blog: Folks In The Middle
Posted June 8, 2021
Featured image: Blue Peony Buds
Folks in the
Aesthetic Moments: Lilacs
Posted June 8, 2021
Lilacs - aesthetic moment
Yellow butterfly
Song birds
On my shoulder
Shimmer transparency
A yes, yes, yes
After dragonfly
Neck banned with
Yellow black
So many many
Amazing things
It is a yes, yes, yes
Blog: The Process of Concept Formation and Abstractions
Posted June 9, 2021
Featured image: Clusters
The process of abstraction in art and concept formation is a process of thought, of thinking and of reason. It is not automatic nor instinctive. Frequently folks tell me, "I could never draw, I could never be an artist. You have a gift." Well, perhaps at first my inner heart and soul said, "What a pleasure this is to do. I was lucky to have found it at a very young age, but a gift, I question that?"
It's true that only I can initiate my work. And only I can create what I do. I have to want to do it. I have to want to sustain it and I have to be responsible for its results. As I create a work of art, I have choices all along the way. I also have choices along the way as I create and live my life. I am responsible for my choices. A choice such as to think or not to think and then create. I choose to always think and then create, it is a process.
The aesthetics of the process. - The process of creating has three steps. First there is the "ah ha" sensation. The aesthetic moment that stops my wandering about in the woods, and second, when I perceive, I see, and my mind tells me that all the trees are covered with water and glistening in the sun. It's when I see the tear drops of rain hanging from a pine needle or when I notice the golden light that creates a canopy over my head. But first there is the "ah ha" sensation then, the perception.
Third, there is the conception formation. Concept formation takes sensations and perceptions, which are just thoughts at this point and are still abstractions, and creates an idea that in turn will become visible and a painting.
For many who ask about these different steps in creating, I am documenting the different layers of a painting I am working on called, for right now, "Sunflowers." I am also working on about five other paintings at the same time including one for my series on Rugged Individualism, and the others are birds.
Blog: Public Good
Posted June 10, 2021
Featured image: Carnival
What is the rational premise of this statement? “It is for the public good.” Is it the good of the many over the good of the few or the good of the ones that will be served by this public good? What about the ones that are not served?
To answer these questions the story of Abraham and Isaac in the Old Testament of the Bible pops into my head regarding the sacrificial lamb. Are the ones that are not served the sacrificial lambs? Do the ones that are not served become the slaves to the ones who are?
Would you be able to make the choice to sacrifice your only son, your beloved son whom you believed would be the father of all nations because God told you so? Would you? Several years ago, I heard this question asked when attending church with my daughter one Sunday morning. My answer was no, I could not. I knew why. It was because I believed in life and that it was precious and should be treasured. But, as I pondered this question and my answer, I wondered if I was being true to my belief in God?
After thinking about this question and my answer to it, this what I came up with and it applies to my initial question about what is public good. In the end Abraham did not sacrifice Isaac. The concept of free will does exist in the Bible as we see it in the story of Adam and Eve. And the idea of public good exists in the Bible.
Public good implies that we question the role of how one should be governed, how we interpret this concept and how we think about it. Again, is it the good of the many over the good of the one or few?
So I return to how I want to think about the statement, “It is for the public good.”
Why did Abraham change his mind? I believe it is because God gave him free will. ( God, or philosophy or whatever you believe the foundation of free will is.) The concept of free will exists and has existed for a long time. The concept of free will has been debated by many groups. This is not a review of these debates, I believe in free will.
New Works:
May Robin, 15x15
May Blue Bird, 8x8
May Blue Bird II, 8x8